MSc. Claire Duchet, Ph.D.
Research Scientist - Laboratory of Aquatic Insect Biodiversity and Ecology
Department of Biodiversity and Conservation Biology
Institute of Entomology
38 777 2244
Specialization: Ecotoxicology, community ecology, aquatic invertebrates My research focuses on the effects of multiple stress factors such as global warming and anthropogenic pollution on aquatic invertebrates. I quantify these effects on the physiology, behavior, and survival of individuals using controlled lab experiments and assess the community-level consequences in outdoor mesocosm experiments.
Total found: 4 records
Duchet C., Verheyen J., Van Houdt R., Grabicová K., Dekan Carreira V., Stoks R.,
Boukal D. (2025) Bioenergetic responses mediate interactive effects of pharmaceuticals and warming on freshwater arthropod populations and ecosystem functioning. Journal of Hazardous Materials
490: article number: 137814.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2025.137814 |
Duchet C., Grabicová K.,
Kolář V., Lepšová O., Švecová H., Csercsa A., Zdvihalová B., Randák T.,
Boukal D. (2024) Combined effects of climate warming and pharmaceuticals on a tri-trophic freshwater food web. Water Research
250: article number: 121053.
DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2023.121053 |
Grabicová K., Duchet C., Švecová H., Randák T.,
Boukal D., Grabic R. (2024) The effect of warming and seasonality on bioaccumulation of selected pharmaceuticals in freshwater invertebrates. Water Research
254: article number: 121360.
DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2024.121360 |
Duchet C., Hou F., Sinclair C.A., Tian Z., Kraft A.,
Kolář V., Kolodziej E.P., McIntyre J.K., Stark J.D. (2023) Neonicotinoid mixture alters trophic interactions in a freshwater aquatic invertebrate community. Science of the Total Environment
897: article number: 165419.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165419 |