HR Excellence in Science

MSc. Frederik Christiaan De Wint

Position PhD student - Laboratory of Ecology and Evolution of Social Insects
Department of Ecology
Institute of Entomology

Contact details +420 38 777 5378, +420 737 480 381


Ecology and biodiversity of insects (mainly ants) and their symbionts. My  focuses on the potential for interactions between arthropods and entomopathogenic  fungi to influence arthropod species richness. CollaboratIon on multiple biodiversity projects concerning ants and other arthropods, but also bats (Europe, Central America and Africa).

Total found: 3 records
De Wint F., Nicholson S., Koid Q., Zahra S., Chestney-Claassen G., Seelan J.S.S., Xie J., Xing S., Fayle T. M., Haelewaters D. (2024) Introducing a global database of entomopathogenic fungi and their host associations Scientific Data 11: article number: 1418.
DOI: 10.1038/s41597-024-04103-4
De Wint F., Oorts D., Branstetter M.G., De Graaf D., Dekoninck W., Jocque M., Martin T.E., Sudworth J., Van Osselaer R., Hamer M.T. (2024) Ants in the clouds: A preliminary checklist of the ant (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) fauna of a Honduran cloud forest ecosystem, featuring a key to country genera. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 19: 107-135.
DOI: 10.3897/neotropical.19.e119775
De Wint F., Cornelis M., Reynaert S., González P.A., Bouillard N., Gyselings R., De Bruyn L. (2022) New bat species and records for the Adriatic Islands Vis and Biševo (Croatia). Belgian Journal of Zoology 152: 99-112.
DOI: 10.26496/bjz.2022.101


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Branišovská 1160/31
370 05 České Budějovice
Data box: r84nds8


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+420 778 468 552 (for media)

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