HR Excellence in Science

Bc. Oldřiška Kadlecová


Position Technician - Laboratory of parasitic therapy
Veterinary and Medical Parasitology
Institute of Parasitology

Contact details +420 387 77 5420


Brief Profile

Oldřiška graduated in biomedical laboratory techniques at the University of South Bohemia (USB). Since the first year of the university, she was involved in a research project within the frame of her bachelor thesis in the Laboratory of Parasitic Therapy (BC CAS). The aim of the project was to introduce and optimize the culture of the helminth, Hymenolepis diminuta, under laboratory conditions for subsequent testing of its effect on intestinal inflammatory diseases. During her studies, she also received a grant from the Student Grant Agency of USB, which she successfully defended. At present, she is still employed as a technician in the Laboratory of Parasitic Therapy.

  • 12/2014 – present: technician, Laboratory of Parasitic Therapy, BC CAS
  • 9/2013 – 1/2018: bachelor studies, biomedical laboratory techniques, Universtiy of South Bohemia
  • 2009 – 2013: secondary studiesHigher School and Secondary School of Veterinary, Agriculture and Nursing Třebíčveterinary field

Work experience:

  • 9/2013 – 1/2018: bachelor thesis in the Laboratory of Parasitic Therapy (BC CAS) entitled 'Introduction of helminth as a model organism into the culture and characterization of the host immune response'
  • 2015: PI of the project supported by the Student Grant Agency (SGA) of the Faculty of Science of the USB, entitled 'Introduction of helminth as a model organism into the culture and characterization of the host immune response'

Supplementary education:

  • 2024 – FELASA workshop: Classification of severity of procedures in trial projects according to EU Directive 2010/63/EU (Tumor in mouse, Neuropathic pain in rat)
  • 2024 - Practical workshop: Skin irritation test OECD TG 439
  • 2024 – Hands-on workshop: Skin Irritation Test OECD TG 439
  • 2018: Certificate of professional competence for the management, implementation, and control of animal experiments according to rules of Czech government and EU (Act No. 246/1992 Coll., on the Protection of Animals against Cruelty, as amended)

Total found: 7 records
Pavlíčková Z., Pafčo B., Ilík V., Anderssen L. OB., Jirků M., Brožová K., Modrý D., Kadlecová O., Stensvold C., Jirků K. (2025) Shaping the human gut microbiota: The role of canine companionship, lifestyle choices, and Blastocystis sp. One Health 20: 100979.
DOI: 10.1016/j.onehlt.2025.100979
Šejnohová A., Koutenská Koutenská, Jirků M., Brožová K., Pavlíčková Z., Kadlecová O., Cinek O., Maloney J.G., Santin M., Petrželková K. J., Jirků K. (2024) A cross-sectional survey of Blastocystis sp. and Dientamoeba fragilis in non-human primates and their caregivers in Czech zoos One Health 19: 100862.
DOI: 10.1016/j.onehlt.2024.100862
Brožová K., Jirků M., Lhotská Z., Květoňová D., Kadlecová O., Rune Stensvold C., Samaš P., Petrželková K. J., Jirků K. (2023) The Opportunistic Protist, Giardia intestinalis, Occurs in Gut-healthy Humans in a High-income Country Giardia intestinalis in gut-healthy humans Emerging Microbes and Infections 12: 2270077.
DOI: 10.1080/22221751.2023.2270077
Jirků M., Kašparová A., Lhotská Z., Oborník M., Brožová K., Petrželková K. J., Samaš P., Kadlecová O., Stensvold C., Jirků-Pomajbíková K. (2022) A cross-sectional study on the occurrence of the intestinal protist, Dientamoeba fragilis, in the gut-gealthy volunteers and their animals International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22: 15407.
DOI: 10.3390/ijms232315407
Billy V., Lhotská Z., Jirků M., Kadlecová O., Frgelecová L., Wegener Parfrey L., Jirků-Pomajbíková K. (2021) Blastocystis Colonization Alters the Gut Microbiome and, in Some Cases, Promotes Faster Recovery From Induced Colitis Frontiers in Microbiology 2: 641483.
DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.641483
Jirků M., Lhotská Z., Frgelecová L., Kadlecová O., Petrželková K. J., Morien E., Jirků-Pomajbíková K. (2021) Helminth Interactions with Bacteria in the Host Gut Are Essential for Its Immunomodulatory Effect Microorganisms 9: 226.
DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms9020226
Lhotská Z., Jirků M., Hložková O., Brožová K., Jirsová D., Stensvold C., Kolísko M., Jirků-Pomajbíková K. (2020) A Study on the Prevalence and Subtype Diversity of the Intestinal Protist Blastocystis sp. in a Gut-Healthy Human Population in the Czech Republic Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 10: 544335.
DOI: 10.3389/fcimb.2020.544335


Biology Centre CAS
Branišovská 1160/31
370 05 České Budějovice
Data box: r84nds8


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+420 387 775 051 (secretariat)
+420 778 468 552 (for media)

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