HR Excellence in Science

Dr. Susanne Isabel Schmidt, Dipl.-Biol.

Contact details +420 387 77 5893
324 NB


Research aims

Limnology, ecosystem modelling of surface water and groundwater

Research interests

Being a hydrobiologist by training, I am very interested in all ecological phenomena, specifically involving groundwater and surface water. I enjoy the interdisciplinary approach and have over the years gotten into ecosystem modelling, via statistical modelling, both of which have become my priority.

Professional Experience

  9/2015 –  6/2018 University of Koblenz/Landau; Researcher; Landau, Germany

  8/2011 – 11/2014 Dr Knoell consult; Leverkusen, Germany

  7/2009 –  6/2011 University of Birmingham, Centre for Systems, Postdoctoral Fellow; Birmingham, U.K.

10/2006 –  6/2009 Helmholtz-Zentrum München, Institute for Groundwater ecology; Postdoctoral Fellow; Munich, Germany

  6/2005 –  9/2006 BfG - Federal Institute for Hydrology, Referat U4: Animal Ecology; Research Fellow; Koblenz, Germany

  8/2004 –  5/2005 SNSD Federal Natural History Museum, Department Crustacea; Research Fellow; Dresden, Germany

  6/1993 –  8/1993 Bayer AG Leverkusen; working student; Leverkusen, Germany


Postgraduate professional training

12/2014 –  8/2015 GIS Akademie Hamburg/Dortmund; Dortmund, Germany - Certificate: GIS and geodata specialist



8/2000 – 3/2005 University Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau Landau, Germany

PhD in Biology. Title: „Surface water/groundwater interactions and their association with sediment fauna in a Western Australian catchment“


8/2000 – 12/2002 CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Research Organization) Land & Water; Perth, Australia


9/1996 – 2/2000 Technische Universität Dresden Dresden, Germany

Diploma thesis (eq. to MSc) in Biology. Title: „Characterisation of two streams regarding their suitability for a pairwise ecosystem experiment”


10/1995 – 7/1996 Université François Rabelais; Tours, France

‘Sciences de la Vie’; ‘Licences’ in ‘Biologie des Organismes’


10/1993 – 8/1995 Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Saale

Basic studies in Biology Halle/Saale, Germany


9/1984 – 6/1993 Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium

6/1993 Leverkusen, Germany

Abitur (eq. to A levels)


Academic achievements - Awarded Fellowships

2000 – 2003 Ulrich-Naumann Stiftung, Germany        PhD fellowship

2003 Fazit-Stiftung, Germany                                      PhD fellowship

2009 – 2011 EU Marie Curie program                         IEF (International European Fellowship)   “WATERBUGMODEL”




10/2017 – 2/2018 Module OeKO1a "Introductory course microscopy" within BSc

Environmental Sciences and dual subject BSc “Natural protection biology”, University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau; 4 weekly hours per semester; sole instructor

04 – 07/2017 Module "UWI3a Measurement of environmental conditions" within BSc Environmental Sciences and dual subject BSc Natural protection biology, University of Koblenz-

Landau, Campus Landau; 2 weekly hours per semester

11/2016 – 2/2017 Module OeKO1a "Introductory course microscopy" within BSc Environmental Sciences and dual subject BSc “Natural protection biology”, University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau; 1.3 weekly hours per semester

9/2010 – 10/2010 Module "Statistics and Experimental Design using R" within MSc Analytical

Genomics, MSc Molecular Biotechnology, MRes in Conservation and

Utilisation of Plant Genetic Resources, and 1st year PhD students,

University of Birmingham

12/2009 Module "Advanced Methods of Genomic Data Analysis II" within MSc

Analytical Genomics, University of Birmingham



Publications in peer-reviewed journals in reverse chronological order before joining HBU 

Dormann, C. F., M. Bobrowski, D. M. Dehling, D. J. Harris, F. Hartig, H. Lischke, M. D. Moretti, J. Pagel, S. Pinkert, M. Schleuning, S.I. Schmidt, C. S. Sheppard, M. J. Steinbauer, D. Zeuss, C. Kraan (2018): Biotic interactions in species distribution modelling: ten questions to guide interpretation and avoid false conclusions. - Global Ecology and Biogeography 27, 9, 1004-1016. - DOI:10.1111/geb.12759

Schmidt, S.I., J.U. Kreft, C. Picioreanu, R. Mackay, M. Thullner (2018): Elucidating the impact of micro-scale heterogeneous bacterial distribution on biodegradation. Advances in Water Resources 116, 67-76. DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2018.01.013.

Theissinger, K., A. Kästel, V. Elbrecht, J. Makkonen, S. Michiels, S.I. Schmidt, S. Allgeier, F. Leese, C. Brühl (2018): Using DNA metabarcoding for assessing chironomid diversity and community change regarding mosquito control actions in temporary wetlands. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics – DOI: 10.3897/mbmg.1.21060

A. Herzyk, L. Fillinger, M. Larentis, S. Qiu, P. Maloszewski, M. Hünniger, S.I. Schmidt, C. Stumpp, S. Marozavaa, P.S.K. Knappett, Martin Elsner, R. Meckenstock, T. Lueders, C. Griebler (2017): Response and recovery of a pristine groundwater ecosystem impacted by toluene contamination – A meso-scale indoor aquifer experiment. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 207, 17-30.

Schmidt, S.I., M.O. Cuthbert, M. Schwientek (2017): Towards an integrated understanding of how micro scale processes shape groundwater ecosystem functions. Science of the Total Environment 592, 215-227. - DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.047

Langer, Julia A. F. R. Sharma, S.I. Schmidt, S. Bahrdt, H. G. Horn, M. Algueró-Muñiz, B. Nam, E. P. Achterberg, Ulf Riebesell, M. Boersma, M. Thines, K. Schwenk (2017): Community barcoding reveals little effect of ocean acidification on the composition of coastal plankton communities: Evidence from a long-term mesocosm study in the Gullmar Fjord, Skagerrak. Plos ONE 12 (4). - DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0175808

Meckenstock, R.U., J. Aamand, S. Agathos, H.J. Albrechtsen, L. Bastiaens, P.L. Bjerg, N. Boon, W. Dejonghe, M. Elsner, P. Grathwohl, C. Griebler, T. Held, W. Huang, F. Löffler, T. Lueders, P. Maloszewski, S.I. Schmidt, E. Smolders, S.R. Sørensen, D. Springael, C. Stumpp, B. van Breukelen, P. van Cappellen (2015): Bioremediation: Applying nature’s tricks of the trade to environmental cleanup. Environmental Science and Technology 49 (12), 7073-7081. - DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b00715

Worischka, S., S.I. Schmidt, C. Hellmann, J. Benndorf & C. Winkelmann (2015): Selective predation by non-visually foraging fish on benthic stream invertebrates: the role of prey traits. Limnologica 52, 41-50. - DOI: 10.1016/j.limno.2015.03.004

Winkelmann, C., J. Schneider, D. Mewes, S.I. Schmidt, S. Worischka, C. Hellmann, J. Benndorf (2014): Top-down and bottom-up control of periphyton by benthivorous fish and light supply in two streams. Freshwater Biology 59 (4), 803-818. - DOI: 10.1111/fwb.12305

Avramov, M., T. Rock, G. Pfister, K.-W. Schramm, S.I. Schmidt, C. Griebler (2013): Catecholamine levels in groundwater and stream amphipods and their response to temperature stress. General and Comparative Endocrinology 194, 110-117. - DOI: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2013.09.004

Avramov, M., S.I. Schmidt & C. Griebler (2013). A new bioassay for the ecotoxicological testing of VOCs on groundwater invertebrates and the effects of toluene on Niphargus inopinatus. Aquatic Toxicology 130-131, 1-8. - DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2012.12.023

Schmidt, S.I. & H.J. Hahn (2012): What is groundwater and what does this mean to fauna? – An opinion. Limnologica 42 (1), 1-6. - DOI:10.1016/j.limno.2011.08.002.

Gutjahr, S., J. Bork, S.I. Schmidt & H.J. Hahn (2013): Efficiency of sampling invertebrates in groundwater habitats. Limnologica 43, 43-48. - DOI: 10.1016/j.limno.2012.08.001

Hünniger, M., P. Maloszewski, S.I. Schmidt, N. Peuckmann (2010): Experimental and mathematical methods to quantify the water flux and the transport processes in heterogeneous aquifer model systems. IAHS Publ. 342, 180-183.

Griebler, C., C. Kellermann, H. Stein, H. Brielmann, S.I. Schmidt, D. Selesi, C. Steube, S. Berkhoff, A. Fuchs, H.J. Hahn (2010): Ecological assessment of groundwater ecosystems – vision or illusion? Environmental Engineering 36, 1174–1190. - DOI:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2010.01.010

Stein, H., C. Kellermann, S.I. Schmidt, H. Brielmann, C. Steube, A. Fuchs, H. J. Hahn, S. E. Berkhoff, B. Thulin & C. Griebler (2010): The potential use of fauna and bacteria as ecological indicators for the assessment of groundwater ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 12, 242-254. - DOI: 10.1039/B913484K.

Brielmann, H., C. Griebler, S.I. Schmidt, T. Lueders (2009): Effects of thermal energy discharge on shallow groundwater ecosystems. FEMS Microbial Ecology 68 (3), 273-286. - DOI: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2009.00674.x

Schmidt, S.I., M. König-Rinke; K. Kornek, C. Winkelmann, M.A. Wetzel, J.H.E. Koop & J. Benndorf (2008): Finding appropriate reference sites in large-scale aquatic field experiments. Aquatic Ecology 43 (1), 169-179. – DOI: 10.1007/s10452-007-9155-6.

Schmidt, S.I., H.J. Hahn, T.J. Hatton & W.F. Humphreys (2007): Do faunal assemblages reflect the exchange intensity in groundwater zones? Hydrobiologia 583 (1), 1-17. – DOI 10.1007/s10750-006-0405-8.

Schmidt, S.I., J. Hellweg, H.J. Hahn, T.J. Hatton & W.F. Humphreys (2007): Does groundwater influence the sediment fauna beneath a small, sandy stream? Limnologica 37, 208-225. – DOI 10.1016/j.limno.2006.12.002.

Schmidt, S.I., H.J. Hahn, G.D. Watson, R.J. Woodbury & T.J. Hatton (2004): Sampling fauna in stream sediments as well as groundwater using one net sampler. Acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica 32 (2), 131-137.

Total found: 15 records
Schmidt S., Svátková M., Kodeš V., Shabarova T. (2024) Correlations between the increase in atmospheric CO2 and temperature, and the subsequent increase in silica, and groundwater organisms. Science of the Total Environment 955: 176970.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.176970
Vystavna Y., Paule-Mercado M., Schmidt S., Hejzlar J., Porcal P., Matiatos I. (2023) Nutrient dynamics in temperate European catchments of different land use under changing climate. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 45: 101288.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2022.101288
Mammola S., Meierhofer M.B., Borges P.A.V., Colado R., Culver D.C., Deharveng L., Delić T., Di Lorenzo T., Dražina T., Ferreira R.L., Fiasca B. , Fišer C., Galassi D.M.P. , Garzoli L., Gerovasileiou V., Griebler C., Halse S., Howarth F.G., Isaia M., Johnson J.S., Komerički A., Martínez A., Milano F., Moldovan O.T., Nanni V., Nicolosi G., Niemiller M.L., Pallarés S., Pavlek M., Piano E., Pipan T., Sanchez-Fernandez D., Santangeli A., Schmidt S., Wynne J.J., Zagmajster M., Zakšek V., Cardoso P. (2022) Towards evidence-based conservation of subterranean ecosystems. Biological Reviews 97: 1476–1510.
DOI: 10.1111/brv.12851
Schmidt S., Cuthbert M.O., Schwientek M. (2022) Importance of the micro-scale for the macro-scale—What can we learn from groundwater ecosystems? Encyclopedia of Inland Waters 3: 523-536.
DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-819166-8.00117-1
Schmidt S., Hejzlar J., Kopáček J., Mercado M., Porcal P., Vystavna Y., Lanta V. (2022) Forest damage and subsequent recovery alter the water composition in mountain lake catchments. Science of the Total Environment 827: 154293.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154293 0048-9697
Vatova M., Rubin C., Grossart H., Gonçalves S.C., Schmidt S., Jarić I. (2022) Aquatic fungi: largely neglected targets for conservation. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 20: 207-209.
DOI: 10.1002/fee.2495
Mammola S., Lunghi E., Bilandžija H., Cardoso P., Grimm V., Schmidt S., Hesselber T., Martínez A. (2021) Collecting eco-evolutionary data in the dark: Impediments to subterranean research and how to overcome them. Ecology and Evolution 11: 5911–5926.
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7556
Marxsen J., Rütz N.K., Schmidt S. (2021) Organic carbon and nutrients drive prokaryote and metazoan communities in a floodplain aquifer. Basic and Applied Ecology 51: 43-58.
DOI: 10.1016/j.baae.2020.12.006
Schmidt S., Hejzlar J., Kopáček J., Paule-Mercado M., Porcal P., Vystavna Y. (2021) Relationships between a catchment-scale forest disturbance index, time delays, and chemical properties of surface water. Ecological Indicators 125: 107558.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.107558
Schmidt S., Kodeš V., Svatáková M., Blabolil P. (2021) Ekologie podzemních vod, po stopách Františka Vejdovského. [Groundwater ekology, on Františk Vejdovský´s tracks.] Vodní hospodářství 2: 13-19.
Vystavna Y., Mercado M., Juras R., Schmidt S., Kopáček J., Hejzlar J., Huneau F. (2021) Effect of snowmelt on the dynamics, isotopic and chemical composition of runoff in mature and regenerated forested catchments. Journal of Hydrology 598: 126437.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126437
Vystavna Y., Schmidt S., Klimenko O.E., Plugatar Y.V., Klimenko N.I., Klimenko N.N. (2020) Species-dependent effect of cover cropping on trace elements and nutrients in vineyard soil and Vitis Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 100: 885–890.
DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.10006
Vystavna Y., Schmidt S., Kopáček J., Hejzlar J., Holko L., Matiatos I., Wassenaar L., Persoiu A., Badaluta C.A., Huneau F. (2020) Small-scale chemical and isotopic variability of hydrological pathways in a mountain lake catchment Journal of Hydrology 585: 124834.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124834
Di Lorenzo T., Di Marzio W.D., Fiasca B. , Galassi D.M.P. , Korbel K., Iepure S., Pereira J.L. , Reboleira A.S.P.S., Schmidt S., Hose G.C. (2019) Recommendations for ecotoxicity testing with stygobiotic species in the framework of groundwater environmental risk assessment Science of the Total Environment 681: 292-304.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.05.030
Vystavna Y., Schmidt S., Diadin D., Rossi P.M., Vergeles Y., Erostate M., Yermakovych I., Yakovlev V., Knöller K., Vadillo I. (2019) Multi-tracing of recharge seasonality and contamination in groundwater: A tool for urban water resource management Water Research 161 : 413-422.
DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2019.06.028


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