HR Excellence in Science

prof. Ing. Miroslav Oborník, Ph.D.

Position 1 Director
Institute of Parasitology

Position 2 Head of Laboratory - Laboratory of Evolutionary Protistology
Molecular Parasitology
Institute of Parasitology

Contact details Ředitelna: +420 38777 5480 / Laboratoř: +420 38777 5464
Řed. 002/ Lab. 236


Management and Leadership of the Institute of Parasitology

Research interests - Evolution of protists and related algae.


Education and employment

1985–1991          Student Ing. (MSc) , Faculty of Agriculture Ceske Budejovice, Agricultural University - Prague, specialization "Genetic Engineering and Plant Breeding"

1991                      Fellowship , Faculty of Agriculture Ceske Budejovice, Agricultural University - Prague, Dept. of Plant Production, Division of Plant Protection

1991–1995          PhD student , Faculty of Agriculture, University of South Bohemia, Dept. of Plant Production, Division of Plant Protection

10/1995–12/1996  Civil service

1998–2000          Assistant Professor , Faculty of Agriculture, University of South Bohemia, Dept. of Plant Production, Division of Plant Protection

1998–                    Research scientist, Institute of Parasitology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Division of Molecular Parasitology

2000–                    Research scientist, head of the laboratory , Institute of Parasitology (IP), Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, and University of South Bohemia (USB), Faculty of Biological Sciences - Laboratory of Molecular Taxonomy (joint laboratory of IP and USB)

2005–2008          Assistant Professor in Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice

2008–present      Senior Research Scientist, Biology Centre ASCR, Institute of Parasitology

2008–present      Associate Professor in Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice

2022–present      Director of the Institute of Parasitology

Foreign programs

May–August 1993              Wageningen Agricultural University, Dept. of Entomology, The Netherlands (Dr. R. Stouthamer)

December 1994–September 1995 Wageningen Agricultural University, Dept. of Entomology, The Netherlands (Dr. R. Stouthamer)

April–May 1997                  University of Horticulture and Food Industry, Budapest, Hungary

November 2002–November 2003  University of British Columbia, Department of Botany, Vancouver, Canada (Dr. B.R. Green)

Research priorities

MO is currently working on the evolution of secondary endosymbiosis. Many unicellular photoautotrophic eukaryotes (such as diatoms, heterokonts, cryptophytes, haptophytes, euglenoids) possess complex photosynthetic organelles that evolved during the process of secondary endosymbiogenesis. Such secondary (or complex) plastids are surrounded by three or four membranes. Nuclear–encoded proteins are postraslationally imported into the complex plastid via secretory pathway. We have participated on the annotation of the genome of diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana, particularly on the search of nuclear–encoded plastid targeted proteins, their in silico localization and phylogeny.

Complex plastid is also present in apicomplexan parasites, however, it is not photosynthetic in this case. The size of the apicomplexan plastid genome is extremely small (35 kb) thus offering a limited number of genes for phylogenetic analysis. Moreover, the sequences of apicoplast genes are highly AT rich and rapidly evolving. Although it is evident that the apicoplast and its genome is plastid–derived, our detailed phylogenetic analysis of amino acid and nucleotide sequences of selected apicoplast ribosomal protein genes rpl2 , rpl14 and rps12 show their possible mitochondrial origin. Based on our results, a hypothesis is proposed that apicoplasts might contain both plastid and mitochondrial genes, thus constituting a hybrid assembly.

MO is also involved in phylogenetic projects concerning molecular phylogeny of protozoa, e.g. microsporidia, apicomplexan parasites and kinteoplastids.


Playing the guitar (music group–Smutný Karel )


Teaching Introduction to Bioinformatics
Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia

Introduction to Bioinformatics exercises
Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia

Molecular Taxonomy
Faculty of Agriculture, University of South Bohemia

Total found: 118 records
Yang S., Gruber A., Jiroutová K., Richtová J., Vancová M., Tesařová M., Masařová P., Dorrell R.G., Oborník M. (2025) Localization of heme biosynthesis in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum and differential expression of multi-copy enzymes Frontiers in Plant Science 16: 1537037.
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2025.1537037
Bartošová-Sojková P., Butenko A., Richtová J., Fiala I., Oborník M., Lukeš J. (2024) Inside the host: understanding the evolutionary trajectories of intracellular parasitism ANNUAL REVIEW OF MICROBIOLOGY 78: 3.1–3.21.
DOI: 10.1146/annurev-micro-041222-025305

Documents to download:
Bartosova-Sojkova_2024_AnnRep (pdf)
Füssy Z., Oborník M. (2024) Complex Endosymbioses I: From Primary to Complex Plastids, Serial Endosymbiotic Events In: E. Maréchal (Ed.), Methods in Molecular Biology: Plastids. 2776: pp. 21–41.
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3726-5_2
Gruber A., Oborník M. (2024) Evolution of plastids and mitochondria in diatoms In: J.W. Goessling, J. Serôdio, J. Lavaud (Eds.), Diatom Photosynthesis: From Primary Production to High Value Scrivener Publishing LLC, Berverly: 79–110.
Konupková A., Tomečková L., Záhonová K., Oborník M., Füssy Z. (2024) CHAPTER: Easier Lost than Found? What We Know about Plastid Genome Reduction In: S.D. Schwartzbach, P.G. Kroth, M. Oborník (Eds.) Endosymbiotic Organelle Acquisition. Springer, Cham: pp. 147–181.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-57446-7_5
Schwartzbach S.D., Kroth P., Oborník M. (2024) BOOK: Endosymbiotic Organelle Acquisition Solutions to the Problem of Protein Localization and Membrane Passage. Springer, Cham: 494 pp.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-57446-7
Darwish A.M., Sharaf A., Gaouar S.B.S., Ali N.I., El-Aziz T.H.A., Abshady A.M., Kaouadji Z., Othman O.E., Oborník M. (2023) Biochemical and genotyping analyses of camels (Cameus dromedaries) trypanosomiasis in North Africa Scientific Reports 13: 7176.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-34086-y
Lampe R.H., Coale T.H., Forsch K.O., Jabre L.J., Kekuewa S., Bertrand E.M., Horák A., Oborník M., Rabines A.J., Rowland E., Zheng H., Andersson A.J., Barbeau K.A., Allen A.E. (2023) Short-term acidification promotes diverse iron acquisition and conservation mechanisms in upwelling-associated phytoplankton Nature Communications 14: 7215.
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-42949-1
Richtová J., Bazalová O., Horák A., Tomčala A., Gonepogu V., Oborník M., Doležel D. (2023) Circadian rhythms and circadian clock gene homologs of complex alga Chromera velia Frontiers in Plant Science 14: 1226027.
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1226027
Jirků M., Kašparová A., Lhotská Z., Oborník M., Brožová K., Petrželková K. J., Samaš P., Kadlecová O., Stensvold C., Jirků-Pomajbíková K. (2022) A cross-sectional study on the occurrence of the intestinal protist, Dientamoeba fragilis, in the gut-gealthy volunteers and their animals International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22: 15407.
DOI: 10.3390/ijms232315407
Kořený L., Oborník M., Horáková E., Waller R., Lukeš J. (2022) The convoluted history of haem biosynthesis Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 97: 141–162.
DOI: 10.1111/brv.1279

Documents to download:
Koreny_2022_Biol-Reviews (pdf)
Oborník M. (2022) Organellar Evolution: A Path from Benefit to Dependence Microorganisms 10: 122.
DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms10010122
Pilátová J., Pánek T., Oborník M., Čepička I., Mojzeš P. (2022) Revisiting biocrystallization: purine crystalline inclusions are widespread in eukaryotes. ISME Journal 16: 2290-2294.
DOI: 10.1038/s41396-022-01264-1
Sharaf A., Vijayanathan M., Oborník M., Mozgová I. (2022) Phylogenetic profiling resolves early emergence of PRC2 and illuminates its functional core Life Science Alliance 5: e202101271.
DOI: 10.26508/lsa.202101271
Oborník M. (2021) Enigmatic Evolutionary History of Porphobilinogen Deaminase in Eukaryotic Phototrophs Biology-Basel 10: 386.
DOI: 10.3390/biology10050386
Oborník M., Dorrell R.G., Tikhonenkov D.V. (2021) Editorial: Mixotrophic, Secondary Heterotrophic, and Parasitic Algae Frontiers in Plant Science 12: 798555.
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2021.798555
Oborník M., Füssy Z. (2021) Evolutionary and Molecular Aspects of Plastid Endosymbioses Biomolecules 11: 1694.
DOI: 10.3390/biom11111694
Richtová J., Sheiner L., Gruber A., Yang S., Striepen B., Kořený L., Oborník M. (2021) Using Diatom and Apicomplexan Model to Study the Heme Pathway of Chromera velia International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22: 6495.
DOI: 10.3390/ijms22126495
Tortorelli G., Pettolino F., Lai D., Tomčala A., Bacic A., Oborník M., Lukeš J., McFadden J.I. (2021) The cell wall polysacharides of a photosynthetic relative of apicomplexans, Chromera velia Journal of Phycology 57: 1805-1809.
DOI: 10.1111/jpy.13211

Documents to download:
Tortorelli_2021_JPhyl (pdf)
Turnšek J., Brunson J.K., Viedma M.D.P.M., Deerinck T.J., Horák A., Oborník M., Bielinski V.A., Allen A.E. (2021) Proximity proteomics in a marine diatom reveals a putative cell surface-to-chloroplast iron trafficking pathway eLife 10: e52770.
DOI: 10.7554/eLife.52770

More publications


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