HR Excellence in Science

MSc. Syed Nadeem Hussain Bokhari, PhD.

Position Associated scientist
Plant biophysics and biochemistry
Institute of Plant Molecular Biology

Contact details +420 387 775 506

Total found: 17 records
Andresen E., Morina F., Bokhari S. N. H., Koník P., Küpper H. (2024) Disturbed electron transport beyond PSI changes metabolome and transcriptome in Zn-deficient soybean Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1(1865): 149018.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bbabio.2023.149018
Cao K., Jaime-Pérez N., Mijovilovich A. E., Morina F., Bokhari S. N. H., Liu Y., Küpper H., Tao Q. (2024) Symplasmic and transmembrane zinc transport is modulated by cadmium in the Cd/Zn hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 275: 116272.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2024.116272
Colussi A., Bokhari S. N. H., Mijovilovich A. E., Koník P., Küpper H. (2024) Acclimation to medium-level non-lethal iron limitation: Adjustment of electron flow around the PSII and metalloprotein expression in Trichodesmium erythraeum IMS101 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1865(1): 149015.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bbabio.2023.149015
Gruenhofer P., Heimerich I., Pohl S., Oertel M., Meng H., Zi L., Lucignano K., Bokhari S. N. H., Guo Y., Li R., Lin J., Fladung M., Kreszies T., Stoecker T., Schoof H., Schreiber L. (2024) Suberin deficiency and its effect on the transport physiology of young poplar roots New Phytologist 242(1): 137-153.
DOI: 10.1111/nph.19588
Küpper H., Gokul A., Alavez D., Dhungana S.R., Bokhari S. N. H., Keyster M., Mendoza-Cozatl D.G. (2024) Identification and characterization of transition metal-binding proteins and metabolites in the phloem sap of Brassica napus Journal of Biological Chemistry 300: 107741.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bc.2024.107741
Kuvelja A., Morina F., Mijovilovich A. E., Bokhari S. N. H., Konik P., Koloniuk I., Küpper H. (2024) Zinc priming enhances Capsicum annuum immunity against infection by Botrytis cinerea– From the whole plant to the molecular level Plant Science 343: 112060.
DOI: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2024.112060
Navarro-Gómez C., León-Mediavilla J., Küpper H., Rodríguez-Simón M., Paganelli-López A., Wen J., Burén S., Mysore K.S., Bokhari S. N. H., Imperial J., Escudero V., González-Guerrero M. (2024) Nodule-specific Cu+-chaperone NCC1 is required for symbiotic nitrogen fixation in Medicago truncatula root nodules New Phytologist 241(2): 793-810.
DOI: 10.1111/nph.19360
Andresen E., Flores Sanchez I., Brückner D., Bokhari S. N. H., Falkenberg G., Küpper H. (2023) Sublethal and lethal Cd toxicity in soybean roots specifically affects the metabolome, Cd binding to proteins and cellular distribution of Cd Journal of Hazardous Materials 442: DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.130062
Morina F., Mijovilovich A. E., Mishra A., Brückner D., Vujić B., Bokhari S. N. H., Špak J., Falkenberg G., Küpper H. (2023) Cadmium and Zn hyperaccumulation provide efficient constitutive defense against Turnip yellow mosaic virus infection in Noccaea caerulescens Plant Science 336: 111864.
DOI: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2023.111864
Pilátová J., Tashyreva D., Týč J., Vancová M., Bokhari S. N. H., Skoupý R., Klementová M., Küpper H., Mojzeš P., Lukeš J. (2023) Massive accumulation of strontium and barium in diplonemid protists mBio 14: 1.
DOI: 10.1128/mbio.03279-22

Documents to download:
Pilatova_2023_mBio (pdf)
Shivaramu S., Tomasch J., Kopejtka K., Nupur , Saini M.K., Bokhari S. N. H., Küpper H., Koblížek M. (2023) The Influence of Calcium on the Growth, Morphology and Gene Regulation in Gemmatimonas phototrophica Microorganisms 11(1): 27.
DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms11010027
Ashraf N., Vítová M., Cloetens P., Mijovilovich A. E., Bokhari S. N. H., Küpper H. (2021) Effect of nanomolar concentrations of lanthanum on Desmodesmus quadricauda cultivated under environmentally relevant conditions Aquatic Toxicology 235: 105818.
DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2021.105818
Jaime-Pérez N., Bína D., Kaftan D., Bokhari S. N. H., Küpper H. (2021) Naturally zinc-containing bacteriochlorophyll a ([Zn]-BChl a) protects the photosynthetic apparatus of Acidiphilium rubrum from copper toxicity damage Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Bioenergetics 1862: 148472.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bbabio.2021.148472
Andresen E., Lyubenova L., Hubáček T., Bokhari S. N. H., Matoušková Š., Mijovilovich A. E., Rohovec J., Küpper H. (2020) Chronic exposure of soybean plants to nanomolar cadmium reveals specific additional high-affinity targets of Cd toxicity Journal of Experimental Botany 71 (4): 1628-1644.
DOI: 10.1093/jxb/erz530
Mijovilovich A. E., Morina F., Bokhari S. N. H., Wolff T., Küpper H. (2020) Analysis of trace metal distribution in plants with lab-based microscopic X-ray fluorescence imaging Plant Methods 16: 82.
DOI: 10.1186/s13007-020-00621-5
Jaime-Pérez N., Kaftan D., Bína D., Bokhari S. N. H., Shreedhar S., Küpper H. (2019) Mechanisms of sublethal copper toxicity damage to the photosynthetic apparatus of Rhodospirillum rubrum Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1860 (8): 640-650.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bbabio.2019.06.004
Küpper H., Bokhari S. N. H., Jaime-Pérez N., Lyubenova L., Ashraf N., Andresen E. (2019) Ultratrace Metal Speciation Analysis by Coupling of Sector-Field ICP- MS to High-Resolution Size Exclusion and Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Analytical Chemistry 91(17): 10961–10969.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b00222


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