HR Excellence in Science

prof. RNDr. Jan Kubečka, CSc.

Position Research Scientist
Department of Fish and Zooplankton Ecology (FZE)
Institute of Hydrobiology

Contact details +420 387775815, +420 604344267


Professional focus: basic research on the functioning of the fish stock reservoirs and lakes, reproduction, feeding relationships, spatial distribution, migration and behavior of fish, sonar equipment and hydroacoustics, the processing of acoustic data, ecological succession, management, and population dynamics of fish stocks, the study of the influence of power plants to fish and invertebrates, theory of efficiency of fishing gears, management and organization of research activities.

Born:  20.08.1961, Prague, Czechoslovakia

Phone + 420604344267

ORCID 0000-0001-9203-4854

Web of Science ResearcherID: A-8230-2011


Address: Institute of Hydrobiology, Biology Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences , Na sádkách 7, 370 05 České Budějovice, Czech Republic. E-mail:, phone: +420 604344267

Web page:


Employment history:

2012  - VI. 2022: Director of the Institute of Hydrobiology, Biology Centre, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (AS CR).

VII 2022, senior researcher at the same institute.

 1998-2012: 1. Full time: Head of the Dept. of Plankton and Fish Ecology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Biology Centre, (AS CR) and head of Fish Ecology Unit of IHB, Č. Budějovice. 2. till present Part-time (20%) Biological Faculty, Univ.of South Bohemia, Č. Budějovice. Fundamental research of fish functioning in lakes and reservoirs.

1993-1998 Research worker Institute of Hydrobiology, Biology Centre, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (AS CR) - research in sonar technology application for fish stock monitoring and assessment for HBI AS CR and for the Univ. of London. Estimation of the effect of hydropower and regulations on the stream ecology, lake and reservoir fisheries, biomanipulation, acoustic tracking and monitoring of ichthyoplankton, fish migration, sediments and macrophytes.

1991 - 1994 - post doc. fellowship in the Univ. of London: res. projects on sonar technology application on fish stock monitoring and assessment on British waters (freshwater and marine). In the main contract (for National Rivers Authority, UK), new theoretical concepts were developed and implemented for application of dual beam sonar for quantitative fisheries surveys.

1984 - 1990  - PhD student and junior researcher, research work for HBI of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (CSAS) on fish ecology in lakes, man made reservoirs, ponds, rivers and streams. Long-term research on fish population of the Klíčava and Římov reservoirs aimed on fish stock assessment and food web manipulation for water quality.


Education and degrees

2011  - Professor of fisheries, Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, Univ. of South Bohemia.

2002  - Docent (Associate professor) in Hydrobiology at University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice. Habilitation thesis: Application of scientific echosounders for quantitative assessment of water ecosystems.

1984-1989 Postgraduate study Hydrobiological Laboratory, Inst. of Landscape Ecology CS Academy of Sciences 1989 - PhD in Hydrobiology, PhD Thesis: Model of the abundance, biomass, ration and production of the fish stock of a water supply reservoir.

1979-1984 University studies, Charles University, Prague 1984 - RNDr. (equivalent to MSc. in Zoology) MSc. thesis: Fish fry ecology in the Klíčava Reservoir..


Membership in professional organizations

International Limnological Society (SIL),  Czech Limnological Society, member of the steering committee of the Ichthyological Section of Czech Zoological Society (since 2012 a chairman of the Steering committee). Member of the committee „Fish Monitoring“ CEN (European Commission for Normalization), Fish monitoring workgroup of European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission (EIFAAC) and Central Baltic Lake Fish Intercalibration group under ECOSTAT, EU, GLEON  (Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network).


Grants and awards


1994 - awarded a 'Price of excellence' for young workers of the CSAS for hydroacoustic publications.


 2022 The medal J.G. Mendel for the achievements in bilogical sciences.


Principal investigator of 25 various research projects and grants both national and international, total extent over 6 millions Euro, co-investigator of 30 projects.


Further professional/research experience


Teaching, training courses and practical surveys in the UK, Sri Lanka, Thailand, USA, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Poland, Norway, Hungary, Czech and Slovak Republic. Leader of some 20 foreign research expeditions.


Convener of four international and two nationwide conferences, co-organizer of 9 other international and 3 nationwide conferences.


Supervisor of 40 of student's diploma theses of different level including 15 PhD studies.


Author or coauthor of over 250 scientific papers and book chapters (220 on Web of Science). No. of WOS citations: over 3000, H-index 35.


Author of over 150 peer reviews, mainly for fisheries and limnological journals (J. Fish Biol., Fisheries Research, Hydrobiologia, Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol., Ecol. Freshwater Fish, Fisheries Management & Ecology etc.) and 10 book reviews.


2004-2006: Member of evaluating committee Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for the programme: The impact of climate variability on aquatic ecosystems.


2006  - 2012: Member of the Evaluation Committee of the Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (GAAV biological and ecological sciences).


2009  - 2014: Chairman of the Evaluation Committee of the Grant Agency of the University of South Bohemia (GAJU agricultural and fisheries sciences).


2019 present Member of the Evaluation Committee „Environment for Life (Grant Agency of Czech Republic).


Guest editor of five special issues of international journals.


Member of editorial board of four international journals.

Teaching Ecology of water vertebrates/ Ecology of fish
University of South Bohemia

Zabývá se zejména studiem ekologie ryb údolních nádrží a jezer. Tuto disciplínu dovedl na kvalitativně novou úroveň, kdy se svými spolupracovníky zavedl řadu nových metod často odvozených z mořského prostředí. Založil mezinárodní výzkumnou školu a pracoviště pro průzkumy ryb velkých vnitrozemských vod (Fish Ecology Unit Hydrobiologického ústavu BC AV ČR https:/ Metody rozvinuté touto skupinou se používají po celém světě. Pracoviště udržuje referenčních databázi informací o rybách českých i zahraničních nádrží a jezer pro vědecké i aplikované účely.

In connection with other limnological and hydrobiological lectures this course is dealing with the role of aquatic vertebrates, particularly fish, in the water system. It contains especially traditional fish ekology and ichthyology disciplines,: adaptation to the aquatic environment, reproduction, food, behavior, population dynamics, etc. Other aquatic vertebrates will be given space according to their importance in aquatic ecosystems.

Total found: 296 records
Symonová R., Jůza T., Tesfaye M., Brabec M., Bartoň D., Blabolil P., Draštík V., Kočvara L., Muška M., Prchalová M., Říha M., Šmejkal M., Souza A., Sajdlová Z., Tušer M., Vašek M., Skubic C., Kubečka J., Brabec J. (2025) Transition to piscivory seen through brain transcriptomics in a juvenile percid fish: Complex interplay of differential gene transcription, alternative splicing, and ncRNA activity. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology 343: 257–277.
DOI: 10.1002/jez.2886
Bezerra L., Libralato S., Kubečka J., Padial A.A. (2024) Long-term contamination by non-native fish assemblages in a Neotropical floodplain. PLoS ONE 19: e0311018.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0311018
Jakubaviciute E., Arula T., Dainys J., Deweber J.T., Gorfine H., Harkonen L.S., Hyvarinen P., Hommik K., Kubečka J., Lozys L., Mustamaki N., Naddafi R., Olin M., Putys Z., Sepp E., Souza A.T., Vaino V., Audzijonyte A. (2024) Status and perspectives for pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) stocks in the Baltic Sea region and central Europe. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 303 : 108801.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2024.108801
Jůza T., Blabolil P., Čech M., Draštík V., Holubová M., Kočvara L., Kubečka J., Malinovskyi O., Policar T., Rychtecký P., Říha M., Sajdlová Z., Tušer M., Vašek M. (2024) Assessing the efficacy of spring stocking of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) into a eutrophic reservoir. Lake and Reservoir Management 40: 196-204.
DOI: 10.1080/10402381.2024.2333298
Jůza T., Blabolil P., Čech M., Draštík V., Kubečka J., Muška M., Prchalová M., Sajdlová Z., Tušer M., Vašek M., Vejřík L., Peterka J. (2024) Fish predation on newly stocked juvenile predatory fish in a biomanipulated reservoir. Lake and Reservoir Management 40: 317–329.
DOI: 10.1080/10402381.2024.2374981
Kubečka J., Hladík M. (2024) Co žije za bójemi Kyselovské zátoky na Lipně? [What fish live in Kyselov bay at Lipno Reservoir?] Vodní hospodářství 5: 55-57.
Ribeiro de Moraes K., Souza A.T., Vašek M., Říha M., Kubečka J. (2024) Detailed insight into gillnet catches: Fish directivity and micro distribution. Water 16: w16182683.
DOI: 10.3390/w16182683
Šmejkal M., Thomas K., Kořen V., Kubečka J. (2024) The 50-year history of anglers' record catches of genus Carassius: circumstantial evidence of wiping out the native species by invasive conspecific. NeoBiota 92: 111-128.
DOI: 10.3897/neobiota.92.121288
Tesfaye M., Jůza T., Šmejkal M., Hejzlar J., Čech M., Prchalová M., Muška M., Tušer M., Kočvara L., Sajdlová Z., Draštík V., Říha M., Vašek M., Blabolil P., Symonová R., Brabec M., Kubečka J., Souza A.T. (2024) The impact of climatic conditions and food availability on bimodality size structure and density of YOY pikeperch (Sander lucioperca). Hydrobiologia 851: 3665–3681.
DOI: 10.1007/s10750-024-05527-0
Bartoň D., Sajdlová Z., Kolařík T., Kubečka J., Duras J., Kortan D., Šmejkal M. (2023) Use of a flow deflector to protect rheophilic fish spawning grounds during hydropeaking. River Research and Applications 39: 561–569.
DOI: 10.1002/rra.4084
Jůza T., Blabolil P., Čech M., Draštík V., Hejzlar J., Kočvara L., Muška M., Peterka J., Sajdlová Z., Tušer M., Vašek M., Kubečka J. (2023) Distribution patterns, annual density changes, growth and mortality of pikeperch [Sander lucioperca (L. 1758)] fry following oligotrophication of a reservoir. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 32: 724-734.
DOI: 10.1111/eff.12718
Kubečka J., Souza A., Soukalová K., Čech M., Šmejkal M., Ďurišová J., Svojtka M. (2023) S otolity za tajemstvími candátů. [With otoliths after the secrets of pikeperch.] Rybářství 1: 56-59.
Ribeiro de Moraes K., Souza A., Bartoň D., Blabolil P., Muška M., Prchalová M., Randák T., Říha M., Vašek M., Turek J., Tušer M., Žlábek V., Kubečka J. (2023) Can a protected area help improve fish populations under heavy recreation fishing? Water 15: 632.
DOI: 10.3390/w15040632
Ribeiro de Moraes K., Souza A., Muška M., Hladík M., Čtvrtlíková M., Draštík V., Kučerová A., Krolová M., Sajdlová Z., Šmejkal M., Kubečka J. (2023) Artificial floating islands: a promising tool to support juvenile fish in lacustrine systems. Hydrobiologia 850: 1969–1984.
DOI: 10.1007/s10750-023-05204-8
Říha M., Prchalová M., Brabec M., Draštík V., Muška M., Tušer M., Bartoň D., Blabolil P., Čech M., Frouzová J., Holubová M., Jůza T., Ribeiro de Moraes K., Rabaneda Bueno R., Sajdlová Z., Souza A., Šmejkal M., Vašek M., Vejřík L., Vejříková I., Peterka J., Kubečka J. (2023) Calibration of fish biomass estimates from gillnets: Step towards broader application of gillnet data. Ecological Indicators 153: 110425.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.110425
Šmejkal M., Bartoň D., Blabolil P., Kolařík T., Kubečka J., Sajdlová Z., Souza A., Brabec M. (2023) Diverse environmental cues drive the size of reproductive aggregation in a rheophilic fish. Movement Ecology 11: 16.
DOI: 10.1186/s40462-023-00379-0
Šmejkal M., Bartoň D., Duras J., Horký P., Muška M., Kubečka J., Pfauserová N., Tesfaye M., Slavík O. (2023) Living on the edge: Reservoirs facilitate enhanced interactions among generalist and rheophilic fish species in tributaries. Frontiers in Environmental Science 11: 1099030.
DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2023.1099030
Tesfaye M., Souza, A.T., Soukalová K., Šmejkal M., Hejzlar J., Prchalová M., Říha M., Muška M., Vašek M., Frouzová J., Blabolil P., Boukal D., Kubečka J. (2023) Somatic growth of pikeperch (Stizostedion lucioperca) in relation to variation in temperature and eutrophication in a Central Europe Lake. Fisheries Research 267: 106824.
DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2023.106824
Tušer M., Brabec M., Balk H., Draštík V., Kubečka J., Frouzová J. (2023) Feasibility of time-dependent amplitude in pulse-compressed broadband acoustic signals for determining the dorsal orientation of fish. Water 15: 1596.
DOI: 10.3390/w15081596
Vašek M., Brabec M., Blabolil P., Čech M., Draštík V., Jůza T., Kubečka J., Muška M., Peterka J., Prchalová M., Říha M., Hejzlar J. (2023) Fish scale stable isotopes as potential indicators of nutrient pollution: Exploring the response of roach (Rutilus rutilus) scale δ15N and δ13C to a gradient of land use disturbance. Science of the Total Environment 865: 161198.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.161198

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