Seminars of the Institute of Hydrobiology BC CAS and of the Czech Limnological Society in České Budějovice29. 3. 2017 Spring 2017 planned: 27.04.2017 57-year monitoring of the Slapy reservoir: What have we learnt about plankton, phosphorus, hydrodynamics, and effects of...
Brožura Lesní potok – čtvrtstoletí monitoringu modelového povodí1. 3. 2017 V březnu vyšla nová brožura v rámci programu ROZE Strategie AV21.
Metagenomic Recovery of phage genomes of uncultured freshwater actinobacteria21. 11. 2016 Studies on specific phages infecting dominant freshwater microbes remain scarce due to the obstacle of obtaining them in axenic culture. Only freshwater cyanophage genomes have been described, six...
Seminar: Tomáš Mráček (Charles University, Prague, Institute of Physiology)25. 10. 2016 Mammalian ATP synthase biogenesis
New colleague wanted17. 10. 2016 The Department of Plant Biophysics and Biochemistry searches candidates for 1 scientist (PhD) with at least 2 years post-doctoral experience. The scientist will pursue research on...
27th Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology7. 9. 2016 September 7 – 9, 2016: Microorganisms on the threshold of the 21st century, Top Hotel Praha, Czech Republic.
British Society for Parasitology Meeting4. 9. 2016 From September 4th to 7th, 2016 the Institue of Parasitology, Biology Centre CAS organizes the British Society for Parasitology Meeting, Trypanosomiasis and Leishmaniasis Symposium.