14th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology16. 4. 2018 Institute of Soil Biology, Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, cordially invites you to the 14th CEWSZ, which will be held as traditionally in České Budějovice on the campus of the...
Erik De Clercq - TAF: The cornerstone for the therapy of HIV and HBV infections22. 2. 2018 Tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) in the treatment and prophylaxis of HIV and HBV infections. A lecture given by Professor Erik De Clercq, a lifelong workmate and friend of Prof. Antonín Holý, both...
How food quality characteristics of bacterial prey modulate growth and community dynamics of bacterivorous flagellates?8. 2. 2018 Communities of heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF, cell sizes from 2-8 µm) represent a considerable part of plankton associations and are the most numerous predators of bacteria. However, different...
Three master thesis project available5. 1. 2018 Laboratory of Environmental microbiology, Department of Soil Microbiology, Institute of Soil Biology Biology Centre, Cz. Acad. Sc., has three available master thesis projects startin in February...
In fall, the reservoir releases a large amount of methane bubbles13. 12. 2017 Researchers of the Institute of Hydrobiology and SoWa Research Infrastructure are engaged in studying the release of greenhouse gases, especially methane, from reservoirs. The results of their...
Diverse Insect Communities Shape Host-Plant Defenses16. 11. 2017 Researchers from Institute of Entomology and their colleagues collaborate on interdisciplinary projects focusing on eco-evolutionary dynamics driving formation of plant defenses and insect...
Predicting broad-scale environmental distributions of trace elements (lecture)26. 10. 2017 SoWa Research Infrastructure Invites to the European Association of Geochemistry Distinguished Lecture.
10th International GAP Meeting19. 8. 2017 International Workshop of The Group for Primary Aquatic Productivity is held from 19th to 30th August in Třeboň.
Mini-symposium: Metals, plants, and people (KOROLID)17. 8. 2017 Mini-symposium on metals in photosynthetic organisms aimed at bringing together existing and (potential) future members and cooperation partners on the KOROLID grant will be held on August 17-19 at...
6th Workshop on the Application of Next Generation Sequencing to Repetitive DNA Analysis in Plants23. 5. 2017 23-25th May