Research projects14. 8. 2013 Investigating the role of tick salivary protease inhibitors at eh interface between ticks, pathogens and the vertebrate host. Grant Agency of Czech Republic(P502/12/2409; P.I. M. Kotsyfakis;...
Graduated students14. 8. 2013 Ph.D . Jindřich Chmelař (2010): Transcriptomic and functional analysis of salivary proteins from the tick Ixodes ricinus. Školitelé: Jan Kopecký and Michalis Kotsyfakis Bc. Jan...
Ongoing collaborations (alphabetically)14. 8. 2013 Bruno Arca, Professor at the Department of Structural and Functional Biology, University Federico II, Naples, Italy and Dipartimento di Scienze di Sanità Pubblica, Sezione di Parassitologia,...
Staff14. 8. 2013 Head Michalis Kotsyfakis Research scientists Jindřich Chmelař Alexandra Schwarz PhD. students Veronika Dorňáková MSc students Jan Kotál Administration associates Markéta...
Research projects14. 8. 2013 Immunomodulatory properties of tick cystatins. Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences (KJB 500960702; P.I.: J. Salát; 2007–2009) Centre for Molecular Ecology of Vectors and Pathogens....
Graduated students14. 8. 2013 Ph.D. Helena Horká (2011): The role of tick saliva and tick salivary cystatins in the transmission of Borrelia burgdorferi and the cystatin effect on experimental asthma in mice....
Staff14. 8. 2013 Head Jan Kopecký Research assistants Helena Langhansová Jaroslava Lieskovská Daniel Růžek Jiří Salát Research assistants Veronika Slavíková Workers Lenka...
Graduated students14. 8. 2013 Mgr. Ján Štěrba, PhD. Mgr. Jana Plchová (Horáčková), PhD. RNDr. Vojtěch Kovář, PhD. RNDr. Daniel Růžek, Ph.D. RNDr. Pavlína Šorfová Ania Janowicz, MSc. Mgr. Lenka Bučinská Mgr....
International collaboration14. 8. 2013 Laboratory for Clinical and Molecular Virology , The Roslin Institute, Centre for Infectious Diseases, University of Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland, UK (Prof. John Fazakerley, Dr Lesley...
Staff14. 8. 2013 Head Libor Grubhoffer Research scientists Nataliia Rudenko Maryna Golovchenko Ján Štěrba Ryan Rego PhD. students Annika Brinkmann Jiří Černý Václav Hönig Jarmila...