Open days16. 8. 2013 How molecular biologists study plants? Friday, 9. November 2012, 8:00 - 15:00 Open days Mini-lecture "What is plant molecular research good for and how such a research is made?" followed...
Open science project II16. 8. 2013 Project Open science II offers scientific interships for all high school students interested in science.At IPMB, there are/were following interships running (for more details see...
Popular-science lectures16. 8. 2013 On the occassion of "Fascination of Plants Day" 2013 (18. May 2013), following popular lectures are to be held for high school students from the Czech Republic (annotations in czech version...
Experts education - EKOTECH16. 8. 2013 Biology centre AS CR, v.v.i. offers a set of lectures educating how to use biotechnologies in the ecology-related fields of research. These courses aretargeted to university students, young...
Student theses offered16. 8. 2013 "Diversity and distribution of viruses across lichen species" department: Plant virology wanted: Ph.D. student or postdoc duration: leden 2012 - prosinec 2015 working on: isolation...
Research scope16. 8. 2013 Research of the Department of Plant Virology focuses on molecular pathogenes of plants - viruses, phytoplasmas, and bacteria. Viruses Detection of viruses by nucleic acid based and ELISA...
Academic lectures16. 8. 2013 Following lectures are taught by employees of IPMB at University of South Bohemia. Genetics (Faculty of Sciences) teacher: assoc. prof. Jindřich Bříza, Ph.D. Advances in genetics...
Organismal and Evolutionary Parasitology15. 8. 2013 Laboratories Laboratory of Fish Protistology Laboratory of Veterinary and Medical Protistology Laboratory of Helminthology Laboratory of Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of...
Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases15. 8. 2013 Laboratories Laboratory of Molecular Ecology of Vectors and Pathogens Laboratory of Vector Immunology Laboratory of Parasite Immunology Laboratory of Genomics and Proteomics of Disease...
Molecular Parasitology15. 8. 2013 Laboratories Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Protists Laboratory of Evolutionary Protistology Laboratory of Functional Biology of Protists Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of...