The influence of the trawl mouth opening size and net colour on catch efficiency during sampling of early stages of perch (Perca fluviatilis) and pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) in the bathypelagic layer of a canyon-shaped reservoir3. 9. 2013 The long-term effort of the Fish Ecology Unit is obtaining of the "true picture" of the fish stock in lakes and reservoirs. Absolutely essential for its finding is the knowledge of the efficiency...
The utility of predatory fish in biomanipulation of deep reservoirs3. 9. 2013 Piscivorous fish may drive trophic cascades and maintain good water quality in lakes and reservoirs. Biomanipulation by stocking piscivores has been therefore suggested as a useful tool to...
Research on the reproduction biology of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in reservoirs and newly created lakes3. 9. 2013 The distribution of egg strands of perch and factors affecting this distribution were studied in Chabařovice Lake (years 2007-2010 and 2012) and in Římov Reservoir (2007 and 2011) using boat...
Eel attacks-A new tool for assessing European eel (Anguilla anguilla) abundance and distribution patterns with gillnet sampling3. 9. 2013 Because of its complex life cycle, cryptic behavior, body shape, ability to excrete mucus and excellent maneuvering, the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) is difficult to monitor. For example, in...
Gillnet catches evaluation3. 9. 2013 Based on experiments carried out in two Czech reservoir in 2008, we developed a new approach for evaluating gillnet catches. A model of a gillnet catch was built to differentiate the effects of...
Genus Limnohabitans - an important freshwater bacterial group serves as a model for testing responses of natural flagellate communities to different bacterial food quality2. 9. 2013 Interactions between bacterial prey and their predators in freshwater ecosystems are highly complex: For instance, prey-selective grazing of small heterotrophic flagellates on bacteria was found...
People2. 9. 2013 Vedoucí oddělení Macas Jiří, RNDr., Ph.D. Head of department Neumann Pavel, Ing., Ph.D. Novák Petr, Ing., Ph.D. Research scientists Chocholová Eva, RNDr., Ph.D. Koblížková Andrea, Mgr....
Research2. 9. 2013 Repetitive DNA sequences and their impact on genome organization and evolution Analyzing sequence composition and abundance of transposable elements and satellite repeats in plant genomes...
People2. 9. 2013 Head of department Bříza Jindřich, RNDr., Doc., CSc. Kocábek Tomáš, Ing., Ph.D. Vrba Lukáš, Mgr., Ph.D. - (currently at the University of Arizona, USA) Research scientists Orctová Lidmila,...
Research2. 9. 2013 Research of the Department of Molecular Genetics focuses on viroid research, functional genomics of hop, antisensing and gene silencing, anti-tumoric plant nucleases, and virus variability....