WP5 LEADER: OXANA HABUŠTOVÁ20. 9. 2013 Work package number: 5 Start date or starting event: The 7 th month following the signature of the Contract by the last party. Work package title: Organisation of workshops...
WP4 LEADER: MARTINA ŽURCOVÁ20. 9. 2013 Work package number: 4 Start date or starting event: The 1 st month following the signature of the Contract by the last party. Work package title: Acquisition of research...
WP3 LEADER: KAREL PETRŽÍK20. 9. 2013 Work package number: 3 Start date or starting event: The 4 th month following the signature of the Contract by the last party. Work package title: Training of personnel for...
WP 2 LEADER: JINDŘICH BŘÍZA20. 9. 2013 Work package number: 2 Start date or starting event: The 4 th month following the signature of the Contract Work package title: Exchange of know-how and experience...
WP1 LEADER: FRANTIŠEK MAREC20. 9. 2013 Work package number: 1 Start date or starting event: The 1 st month following the signature of the Contract by the last party. Work package title: Recruitment and return of...
Project review20. 9. 2013 Description of the project MOBITAG General objective Ever-increasing human population accompanied by a decrease of arable land, and the replacement of depleted fossil resources by...
Project management19. 9. 2013 Project management Management team includes eight members and is responsible for proper project planning and progress; it also closely cooperates with research experts (tutors) supervising the...
Project description19. 9. 2013 Introducing the Biology centre Biology Centre (BC) of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (AS CR) is a public research institution (v.v.i.) founded by AS CR that provides about half of...
Preparation of capsid protein constructs from GFLV based on local isolates3. 9. 2013 Coat protein genes of grapevine fanleaf virus local strains isolated in South-Moravia, Czech Republic were sequenced, and artificial coat protein gene was designed and synthesized that retains...
Finding the two plasmids existing in high copy numbers in phytoplasma cells3. 9. 2013 Presence and characteristic of phytoplasma plasmid are not known too much. Two plasmids associated with two strains of „Candidatus phytoplasma asteris“ have been obtained from two plant species....