Scientific topics covered under the projec20. 9. 2013 The goal of MOBITAG, i.e. the build-up of infrastructure for the development and testing of novel agricultural biotechnologies, can be reached only through practical training. Investigations...
Research Connection 200920. 9. 2013 On May 7 and 8, 2009, European Commission organized in the Congress Centre of Prague a large and very important informative conference Research Connection 2009. It included three plenary lectures...
Other publications20. 9. 2013 Monographs Sehnal F., Drobník J.: White book – Genetically Modified Crops. České Budějovice 2009, 96 pp., ISBN 978-80-86668-05-3. Mason J.M., Hemakumar M.R., Capkova Frydrychova R....
Press conferences20. 9. 2013 Genetically modified crops: Threat or opportunity? On October 12, 2011, Biology centre AS CR, v.v.i. organized in cooperation with Regional Agrarian Chamber of South Bohemia district a...
Seminars, workshops and conferences20. 9. 2013 Conference 2011 The international conference “Environmental Impact of Genetically Modified Crops: European Experience” (5 th EIGMO meeting) was held in České Budějovice on June 22-25, 2011 as...
Educational movie20. 9. 2013 Life in a standard and in Bt corn field The movie „Life in a standard and in Bt corn field“ is a suitable teaching aid to be used both for disciples attending basic school and students...
Actually20. 9. 2013 Project coordinator got approval from Brussels to perform complementary activity that will contribute to the implementation of EC environmental and agricultural policy. Project officer allowed to...
WP7 LEADER: FRANTIŠEK SEHNAL20. 9. 2013 Work package number: 7 Start date or starting event: The 1 st of the month following the signature of the Contract by the last party. Work package title: Project Management...
WP6 LEADER: MICHAELA KRIŠTŮFKOVÁ20. 9. 2013 Work package number: 6 Start date or starting event: The 1 st of the month following the signature of the Contract by the last party. Work package title: Dissemination and...