Two new species of borrelia from North America, Borrelia carolinensis sp. nov. and Borrelia americana sp. nov., and the overlapping of borrelia species in Europe and the United States.20. 10. 2013 Rudenko N., Golovchenko M., Grubhoffer L., Růžek D. Ve spolupráci s Georgia Southern University v USA pokračoval program srovnávacího studia původců lymské boreliózy (LB), jejich mezidruhových...
Diel vertical migrations, distribution and ontogeny of bathypelagic layer of European perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) fry in reservoirs20. 10. 2013 We have found that in the pelagic zone of reservoirs, European perch ( Perca fluviatilis L.) fry create simultaneously two different communities – epipelagic and bathypelagic. The...
Application of the PDMPO technique in studying silica deposition in natural populations of Fragilaria crotonesis (Bacillariophyceae) at different depths in a eutrophic reservoir20. 10. 2013 In July – October 2006 at weekly intervals, we measured silica deposition in the summer diatom assemblage at various depths in a eutrophic Římov Reservoir using PDMPO labelling technique....
History of Aluminium Runoff from Catchment into Plesne Lake20. 10. 2013 HBI ASCR in co-operation with University of Maine (US) reconstructed the history of terrestrial export of aluminium (Al) to Plešné Lake (Czech Republic) since the lake origin 12,600 BC, and...
Molecular Biology and Genetics of the Lepidoptera20. 10. 2013 The book presents a collection of studies on the Lepidoptera, as specialized insects with distinctive features and as model systems for carrying out cutting-edge research. Leading...
Remodeling of epidermis during larva to adult fly transformation20. 10. 2013 Movements, fusions and closures of epithelial tissues are important for animal development, e.g. during embryogenesis but also for healing of wounds. The fruit fly, Drosophila...
Technical reclamations are wasting the conservation potential of postindustrial sites20. 10. 2013 The view of postindustrial sites is rapidly changing, as many studies confirm their value as biodiversity refuges in many regions. Containing abiotic conditions actually rare in common...
Juvenile hormone receptor20. 10. 2013 Juvenile hormone (JH) is a terpenoid, a small lipophilic molecule of vital importance to insect development and reproduction. JH was so named for its capacity to block metamorphosis of...
Larvae of the fly Chymomyza costata survive in liquid nitrogen20. 10. 2013 The larva of the drosophilid fly, Chymomyza costata , is the most complex metazoan organism that can survive submergence in liquid nitrogen (-196 °C) in a fully hydrated state. We...
Genetic origin of industrial melanism in the peppered moth, Biston betularia20. 10. 2013 During the Industrial Revolution in 19th-century Britain, melanic forms occurred in a number of moth species with cryptic coloration, blending in with the pale trees and lichens. The...