Enrolment of students into courses - year 2011/201229. 10. 2013 There is an ongoing enrolment of students into courses for the winter and summer semesters 2011/2012. Offered courses: Transgenesis and its application in plants, Physical methods in ecology...
Project organisation29. 10. 2013 The project is managed by a management and a realization team. Courses are included in the list of eligible subjects offered to students in the PhD programmes. Project team (brief...
Project review29. 10. 2013 Project objectives The aim is to educate eco-experts able to develop new biotechnologies, to assess their risks, and conscientiously recommend the scope and manner of their deployment....
Life in a standard and in Bt corn field25. 10. 2013 The movie „Life in a standard and in Bt corn field“ is a suitable teaching aid to be used both for disciples attending basic school and students attending high school. The field represents...
IT Department23. 10. 2013 IT Department provides internal services in ICT area for BC as a whole. Ing. Oldřich Tomec - head of Department Oldřich Bartoš - end users support, network...
BC Supervisory Board21. 10. 2013 Chairman of Board prof. Ing. Petr Ráb, DrSc. member of Academic Board CAS Vice-chairman of Board doc. RNDr. Jan Šula, CSc. BC - Institute of Entomology Members of...