Microbiological monitoring of the "Medard" flooded mine pit5. 12. 2013 In tight cooperation with the other departments of the Institute of Hydrobiology and other institutions, our department conducts limnological monitoring of the process of hydric...
Mikrosvět II, výstava české vědecké fotografie5. 12. 2013 Petr Znachor společně s Františkem Weydou (ENTU BC AV ČR) a Bohuslavou Maříkovou (Galerie Nahoře, KD Metropol, České Budějovice) navázali na úspěch z let 2008 –2009 a připravili výstavu...
AWARDS5. 12. 2013 International project EUROCORES "FREDI" ( F unctional R ole and E cotype D ivergence) was granted to Jan Jezbera The...
Recent papers5. 12. 2013 Dokument bez názvu Recent papers (department members in bold) Jezbera J, Jezberová J, Kasalický V, Šimek K, Hahn MW. 2013: Patterns of Limnohabitans Microdiversity across a Large...
Department of Aquatic Microbial Ecology5. 12. 2013 DEPARTMENT RESEARCH AREAS 1. Bacterioplankon composition, function and biogeography • Factors regulating bacterial growth and mortality rates, i.e. protozoan...
The Department of Hydrochemistry and Ecosystem Modelling (HEM)4. 12. 2013 Research The Department of Hydrochemistry and Ecosystem Modelling (HEM) of the Institute of Hydrobiology of the Biology Centre AS CR studies biogeochemical cycles and processes that control...
Annual Report for the year 20123. 12. 2013 Annual Report for the year 2012 - one page view Annual Report for the year 2012 - double pages
Contact30. 10. 2013 Ing. Tereza Veselá Project Manager Email: tereza.vesela@bc.cas.cz Tel.: 387 775 504 GSM: +420 734 315 300
Courses schedule30. 10. 2013 Basic Methods in Molecular Biology 30. 1. - 3. 2. 2012 5. 3. - 9. 3. 2012 16. 4. - 20. 4. 2012 14. 5. - 18. 5. 2012 11. 6. - 15. 6. 2012 Advanced methods of molecular biology...