Internal documents summary16. 5. 2014 Important links Akademický Bulletin Důležité právní předpisy Hromadné dopisy Interní normy AV ČR Nákladné přístroje Příloha ke stanovám akademie Stanovy...
The utility of predatory fish in biomanipulation of deep reservoirs13. 2. 2014 The utility of predatory fish in biomanipulation of deep reservoirs Piscivorous fish may drive trophic cascades and maintain good water quality in lakes and reservoirs. Biomanipulation by...
Why 'sexual mind control' is rare in nature10. 2. 2014 The work published in Journal of Theoretical Biology provides an explanation. Nature is replete with parasites that manipulate their hosts so as to enhance their own transmission rate. For...
Parasitic chromosomes of plants13. 1. 2014 Beyond “the normal” set of chromosomes plants posses an additional chromosomes, so-called B-chromosomes. These are parasitic bits of genetic material that are still inherited by next generation of...
Soil food web properties explain ecosystem services across European land use systems11. 12. 2013 Soil food web properties explain ecosystem services across European land use systems Intensive land use reduces the diversity and abundance of many soil biota, with consequences forthe...
Current projects5. 12. 2013 2009–2013, reg. code GAČR 206/09/0309: Competition mechanisms in Cyanobacteria affecting phytoplankton species composition, principal investigator Klára Řeháková. T he...
Instruments5. 12. 2013 Pracovní skupina mikrobiální ekologie vody studuje vztahy mezi různými skupinami mikroorganismů v přírodních vodách a pomocí laboratorních systémů (kultivací). [ Mikroskop Nikon i90...
Microbiological monitoring of the "Medard" flooded mine pit5. 12. 2013 In tight cooperation with the other departments of the Institute of Hydrobiology and other institutions, our department conducts limnological monitoring of the process of hydric...