Hunting for insects with a crane: forest ecology research on six continents will be spearheaded by the Czech Academy of Sciences21. 5. 2015 How would forests entirely devoid of insects look like? And why most of insect species prefer life in tropical jungles to temperate zone forests? Questions asked by a curious child, perhaps, but...
4th Workshop on the Application of Next Generation Sequencing to Repetitive DNA Analysis in Plants16. 4. 2015 May 26-28, 2015 Institute of Plant Molecular Biology, České Budějovice, Czech Republic The workshop will focus on theoretical and practical aspects of using next...
XIV. International Rotifer Symposium 30th August - 4th Semptember 201514. 4. 2015 The Rotifer Symposium takes place every three years and represents a unique opportunity for scientific researchers, students and other rotifer enthusiasts from all over the world to get together...
International Conference on Viroids 2015, June 25 — 28, 20152. 2. 2015 We would like to invite you to participate in a four-day conference Viroid diseases and molecular mechanisms of viroid pathogenesis. The conference will take place from June 25—28, 2015...
SoS Newsletter 201413. 1. 2015 SoS Newsletter - December 2014 SoS Newsletter - November 2014 SoS Newsletter - October 2014 SoS Newsletter - September 2014 SoS Newsletter - August...
New department of Plant Biophysics and Biochemistry11. 8. 2014 The employees and aims of new department of Plant Biophysics and Biochemistry in attached PDF-file
Vodafone Employee Program for BC8. 8. 2014 Biology centre and Vodafone prepared for you Reduce costs for private calls for you and your family How can you order this program? Enter your employee number in full format...