HR Excellence in Science
Date: 26.08.2013

Research projects

  • Genealogy and population structure of parasites in relation to host specificity and biogeography. Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (206/08/1019; P.I.: V. Hypša; 2008 – 2011).
  • Molecular evolution of Arsenophonus, an emerging group of symbiotic bacteria with a broad host distribution. Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (P5056/10/11401; P.I.: V. Hypša; 2010 – 2013).
  • Population structure and evolutionary relationships of the intracellular parasite Hemolivia mauritanica (Sergent and Sergent, 1904). Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GAP506/11/1738; Co-P.I. V. Hypša; 2011–2014).



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