Date: 14.08.2013
Research projects
- Immunomodulatory properties of tick cystatins. Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences (KJB 500960702; P.I.: J. Salát; 2007–2009)
- Centre for Molecular Ecology of Vectors and Pathogens. Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (LC06009; P.I.: J. Kopecký; 2006–2010)
- Identification of tick salivary molecules facilitating transmission of Borrelia burgdorferi using RNA interference. Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IAA600960811; P.I.: J. Kopecký; 2008–2010)
- Research Centre for Molecular Ecology of Vectors and Pathogens. Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (LC06009; P.I.: J. Kopecký; 2006–2011)
- Effect of tick saliva cystatins on Th9 cells and the development of experimental asthma. (P302/11/J029; P.I.: J. Kopecký; 2011–2013)
- Differences in clinical course of tick-borne encephalitis in host and their genetic determination.(P502/11/2116; P.I.: D. Růžek; 2011–2015)
- Role of the blood-brain barrier in tick-borne encephalitis neuropathogenesis. (P302/10/P438; P.I.: D. Růžek; 2010–2012)