HR Excellence in Science
Date: 08.08.2014

Vodafone Employee Program for BC

Biology centre and Vodafone prepared for you

Reduce costs for private calls for you and your family

How can you order this program?
Enter your employee number in full format (5800xxxx) on
You can order 5 discounted tariffs and 5 data cards. BC employee is responsible for ordered phone numbers. Vodafone company's deputy should contact you till 4 workdays.

More information on free line 800 777 791 in workdays 9-18 h.

You can contact also Mr. Bc. Bohumír Tomášek, DiS., head of service department (5048, 778412404,



Biology Centre CAS
Branišovská 1160/31
370 05 České Budějovice
Data box: r84nds8


+420 387 775 111 (switchboard)
+420 387 775 051 (secretariat)
+420 778 468 552 (for media)

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