HR Excellence in Science
Date: 23.10.2013

IT Department

IT Department provides internal services in ICT area for BC as a whole.


Ing. Oldřich Tomec - head of Department

Oldřich Bartoš - end users support, network administration

Ing. Ladislav Götz  - end users support, network administration


RNDr. Václav Brunnhofer CSc.IT specialist, network administration for ENTÚ (IE)

Mgr. Jan Langhans - IT specialist, network administration for PARÚ (IP)

Mgr. Jiří Pech Ph.D. - IT specialist, network administration for ÚMBR (IPMB)




Biology Centre CAS
Branišovská 1160/31
370 05 České Budějovice
Data box: r84nds8


+420 387 775 111 (switchboard)
+420 387 775 051 (secretariat)
+420 778 468 552 (for media)

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