Molecular Biology and Genetics of the Lepidoptera
The book presents a collection of studies on the Lepidoptera, as specialized insects with distinctive features and as model systems for carrying out cutting-edge research. Leading researchers provide an evolutionary framework for placing moths and butterflies on the Tree of Life. The book covers progress in deciphering the silkworm genome and unravelling lepidopteran sex chromosomes. It features new information on sex determination, the development of wing patterns, eyes, vision, circadian clocks, chemoreceptors, and sexual communication. The contributors discuss the genetics and molecular biology of plant host range, prospects for controlling the major crop pest genus Helicoverpa, insecticide resistance, innate immune response, lepidopteran minihosts for testing human pathogens and antibiotics, and the use of intrahemocoelic toxins for control. The book concludes with coverage of polyDNA virus-carrying parasitoid wasps, and cloning of the first virus resistance gene in the silkworm.