HR Excellence in Science
Date: 20.09.2013

Research Connection 2009

On May 7 and 8, 2009, European Commission organized in the Congress Centre of Prague a large and very important informative conference Research Connection 2009. It included three plenary lectures and over 40 specialized symposia.

Close to 50 stands presented diverse activities supported by the Commission and informed participants about funding possibilities and the progress in ERA build-up. About 2000 participants from the whole of Europe had a chance for first-hand inquiries about different EU programs and more than hundred registered journalists could learn details at a dozen of press conferences.

MOBITAG project was represented at the conference by prof. F. Sehnal and prof. J. Špak who talked to a number of researchers about our project. Leaflets about MOBITAG and the Biology Centre, which are reproduced on this web page, were distributed at the press briefing along with a handout prepared by EC Directorate General for Research (handout is also reproducted on this page).

The whole MOBITAG team is proud of the high evaluation the project received from this Directorate. An official EC document on the Research Potential program informed conference participants: „in the last 3 years several projects from Czech Republic have been selected for Community funding, 3 of them, funded with approximately 1 Mio. € each, are a real success: ACOST, MOBITAG and POSTBIOMIN. The coordinator of the MOBITAG project, Mr. Frantisek SEHNAL ( will be available during the above conference for any interview and/or discussion you might wish to have.“



Biology Centre CAS
Branišovská 1160/31
370 05 České Budějovice
Data box: r84nds8


+420 387 775 111 (switchboard)
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+420 778 468 552 (for media)

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