HR Excellence in Science
Date: 20.09.2013



Work package number:5
Start date or starting event:The 7th month following the signature of the Contract by the last party.
Work package title:Organisation of workshops and conferences
Activity type:SUPP
Participant number:1
Participant short name:BCAS
Person-months per participant:5.1


To upgrade research skills of BCAS scientists by the exchange of knowledge and exposure of the research results to the criticism by peers.

Description of work

Two types of meetings on the biotechnologies for agriculture will be organised at the regional and at the international level, respectively:

  • T 5.1: Half-day seminars

    Seminars on the advance of agricultural biotechnologies are organized regularly (4 times per year). All staff of BCAS and the students of adjacent University of South Bohemia are always invited to participate. Seminar lectures are delivered by eminent foreign experts as well as key Czech officials. Overview of seminars that have already been carried out or are planned for the future is summarized in the chart bellow.

    datelecturer / seminar titlenumber of participants
    23.4.2009Prof. Dr. Gerhard Steger
    Bioinformatics and analysis of viroids
    12.5.2009Prof. Dr. Angharad Gatehouse
    The Role of Biotechnology in Crop Protection - Towards Sustainability
    21.5.2009Dr. Hari C. Sharma
    Bio-safety of Transgenic Crops to Non-target Organisms in the Environment
    18.6.2009Dr. Mauro Mandrioli
    Unravelling the Wolbachia evolutionary role: the reprogramming of the host genomic imprinting
    6.10.2009Ing. Ivan Branžovský, CSc.
    Current Status of the Czech Agriculture
    10.11.2009Ing. Karel Bláha, CSc.
    Czech Legislative Framework on Genetically Modified Organisms
    4.3.2010Ing. Naďa Koníčková
    Procedures for formulation of the calls and evaluation of project proposals to FP7
    15.4.2010Prof. Dr. Detlev Riesner
    Prions: Infectious molecules with impact to Science and Economy
    20.5.2010Prof. Dr. Denis De Keukeleire
    Advances in the Application of Medicinal Hops
    12.1.2011Prof. Dr. Hugh Loxdale
    Generalism as an ecological force in nature with special reference to insects. Is it a myth?
    27.1.2011Prof. Dr. Andreas Vilcinskas
    Insect Biotechnology in Germany
    31.3.2011prof. Ing. Josef Soukup, CSc.
    Current methods of weeds regulation from the view of agroecosystem sustainability
    28.4.2011RNDr. Jiří Hejnar, CSc.
    Prospects and Challenges of Retroviral Vectors
    11.7.2011Dr. Gerd Gade
    The importance of small peptide hormones for regulation of energy metabolism in insects
    21.9.2011Dr. Arne Heyerick et al.
    Seminar block: Modification and in planta production of bifunctional nucleases and analysis of their anticancerogenic and biological activities; Recent results, new prospects of experimental work and new perspectives of collaboration.
    Lecture: Reliable Cancer Therapies – Gap Funding for Clinical Research.
    27.9.2011Dr. Johannes Jehle
    Biological control of codling moth using baculoviruses
    13.10.2011RNDr. Jaroslava Ovesná, CSc.
    Genetically modified organisms in the mirror of contemporary science and legislation
  • T 5.2: International meetings organised by BCAS

    As part of the project it was envisaged to organise 2 international meetings. The meetings should provide platforms for the presentation of MOBITAG results and enable their exposure to criticism by the international scientific community. Information exchange at the meetings contributes to the built-up of ERA.

    In May 2009, preparatory activities for the international meeting “Invertebrate reproduction and development in the age of genetically modified organisms“ began. The meeting was finally organized by BCAS and held in the conference center „Krystal“ in Prague on August 16-20, 2010.

    “International Conference on Invertebrate Reproduction and Development in the Age of Genetic Modifications” (ICIRD 2010) was organized by the Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in frame of WP 5, T 5.2. According to the project schedule, 1st international meeting should have been accomplished in project month 24. However, ICIRD 2010 was realized earlier, in fact just before the end of first reporting period and was of a big success. Event took place in Prague from 16th August to 20th August 2010. Few persons cancelled their attendance shortly before conference beginning, nevertheless final number of conference participants reached 119 scientists plus 30 accompanying persons. Conference attendants arrived from 24 countries across all over the world (Germany, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Sweden, South Africa etc.). The conference was thematically structured into 7 sessions to cover broader scientific area. Detailed information on ICIRD 2010 is available on the conference webpage.

    For 2011, organization of a meeting on GMOs in Integrated Plant Production was planned. First steps concerning organization were taken in February 2011. Event 5th EIGMO meeting was held on June 22-25, 2011 in České Budějovice (Czech Republic) as a joint undertaking with the Working Group on Ecological Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms (EIGMO) of IOBC (International Organization for Biological Control of Noxious Animals and Plants – see The event aimed at various aspects of genetically modified organisms and participants appreciated that the event except for its scientific assets created suitable conditions for networking, sharing new ideas and searching solutions to the contemporal agricultural problems. More details are available in section “seminar, workshops and conferences” as well as on the conference webpage.

  • Other activities

    BCAS also succeeded in other activities, one of which was related to the BioPlex instrument bought during the 1st reporting period. A methodological workshop “Luminex´s xMAP multiplexing technology for detection of biological markers“ was organized on February 2, 2012 as an opportunity for meeting of all users of this modern analytical technology in the Czech Republic. The seminar disclosed ways for more efficient exploitation of instrument serving for multiplex analysis and detection of several different plant pathogens, genes, or gene products at once.

    The other meeting organized shortly before MOBITAG termination (February 9-10, 2012) concerned preparation of a proposal for the ITN Marie Curie program. The idea was based on deepened cooperation with Hungarian partners developed in frame of WP2. The goal was to enable meeting of interested parties and decisions on pertinent questions related to project proposal concerning G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) as education of more scientists in this research area would be beneficial for ERA. Meeting of 14 experts from eight european countries led to to the selection of coordinator and discussion on project outlines and goals.



Biology Centre CAS
Branišovská 1160/31
370 05 České Budějovice
Data box: r84nds8


+420 387 775 111 (switchboard)
+420 387 775 051 (secretariat)
+420 778 468 552 (for media)

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