HR Excellence in Science
Date: 03.09.2013

Revealing the molecular structure and function of plant nuclease with anticancerogenic potential

Plant nuclease (protein cleaving nucleic acids, like DNA) TBN1from tomato has an anticancerogenic effects on human tumors. Using plant biotechnology, sufficient amount of TBN1 was prepared and crystallized. Crystalographic analysis revealed molecular structure of TBN1, enabling targeted modifications of this anticancerogenic compound and - thus - its better usability in human medicine.

  • Dohnálek Jan, Kovaľ Tomáš, Lipovová P., Podzimek Tomáš, Matoušek Jaroslav:Structure analysis of group I plant nucleases. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 18(1): 29-30, 2011 [IF = 2.726].-> Abstract / Full-text online
  • Kovaľ Tomáš, Lipovová P., Podzimek Tomáš, Matoušek Jaroslav, Dušková Jarmila, Skálová Tereza, Štěpánková Andrea, Hašek Jindřich, Dohnálek Jan:Crystallization of recombinant bifunctional nuclease TBN1 from tomato. Acta Crystallographica Section F 67(1): 124-128, 2011 [IF = 0.506].-> Abstract / Full-text online
  • Podzimek Tomáš, Matoušek Jaroslav, Lipovová P., Poučková P., Spiwok V., Šantrůček J.:Biochemical properties of three plant nucleases with anticancer potential. Plant Science 180(2): 343-351, 2011 [IF = 2.945].-> Abstract / Full-text online



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