HR Excellence in Science
Date: 02.09.2013


Repetitive DNA sequences and their impact on genome organization and evolution

  • Analyzing sequence composition and abundance of transposable elements and satellite repeats in plant genomes
  • Next-generation sequencing, bioinformatics analysis of sequencing data
  • Investigating molecular mechanisms leading to amplification, sequence homogenization and elimination of repetitive elements in plant genomes.

Development of novel bioinformatics approaches for analyzing next-generation sequencing data

  • Developing software tools for de novo identification and characterization of repetitive elements from genomic shotgun sequencing data obtained by next-generation technologies
  • Comprehensive characterization of the repeats within a single species
  • Comparative analysis of global repeat composition between multiple genomes
  • Analyzing specific types of repeats like satellite DNA

Structure and evolution of centromeres in legume plants

  • Investigation of sequence composition of centromeric regions of legume (P.sativum, Vicia sp.) chromosomes



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370 05 České Budějovice
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