Before you leave (instructions)
A foreign stay is regulated by Directive on Travel Allowances available on Intranet.
- Before you leave, read carefully the Travel Allowances Directive and the relevant annexes.
- Download the Form for foreign trip - statement, and fill in the 1. part – Travel Order – before the trip. It is necessary to print it, sign it and have it signed by your superiors (director of the institute). In case your stay is co-financed, it is necessary to sign the form by the persons responsible for the co-financing of your stay. Signed form bring to the secretariat of relevant institute.
- If, for any reason, the date of your stay has changed, please inform Mgr. Tina Vrabcova
- All BC employees have travel insurance within the institution. Take the certificate of this insurance as well as the card for the assistance service with you on a foreign trip. For more information and downloading the documents read here.
- No later than 30 days before departure, an A1 certificate must be requested. In this step, please contact the HR department – Ing. Vendula Aubrechtová.
- It is necessary to prepare and submit the Final Report within 10 days after your return from the trip. Instructions to the Final report are available in the Grant rules and in the folder Final Report.