HR Excellence in Science

RNDr. Tereza Volfová

Pracovní zařazení Odborný pracovník V&V - Laboratoř evoluční ekologie
Oddělení ekologie
Entomologický ústav

Kontaktní údaje +420 38 777 5038

Celkem nalezeno: 7 záznamů
Leong J., Mezzomo P., Kozel P., Volfová T., de Lima Ferreira P., Seifert C.L., Butterill P. T., Freiberga I., Michálek J., Matos Maravi P. F., Weinhold A., Engström M.T., Salminen J.-P., Segar S.T., Sedio B.E., Volf M. (2024) Effects of individual traits vs. trait syndromes on assemblages of various herbivore guilds associated with central European Salix. Oecologia 205: 725-737.
DOI: 10.1007/s00442-024-05569-0
Mezzomo P., Leong J., Vodrážka P., Moos M., Ré Jorge L., Volfová T., Michálek J., de Lima Ferreira P., Kozel P., Sedio B.E., Volf M. (2024) Variation in induced responses in volatile and non-volatile metabolites among six willow species: Do willow species share responses to herbivory? Phytochemistry 226: article number: 11422.
DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2024.114222
Mezzomo P., Weinhold A., Aurová K., Ré Jorge L., Kozel P., Michálek J., Nováková N., Seifert C.L., Volfová T., Engström M., Salminen J.-P., Sedio B.E., Volf M. (2023) Leaf volatile and nonvolatile metabolites show different levels of specificity in response to herbivory. Ecology and Evolution 13: article number: 10123.
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.10123
Volf M., Leong J., de Lima Ferreira P., Volfová T., Kozel P., Matos Maravi P. F., Hörandl E., Wagner N.D., Luntamo N., Salminen J.-P., Segar S.T., Sedio B.E. (2023) Contrasting levels of β-diversity and underlying phylogenetic trends indicate different paths to chemical diversity in highland and lowland willow species. Ecology Letters 26: 1599-1571.
DOI: 10.1111/ele.14273
Volf M., Volfová T., Hörandl E., Wagner N.D., Luntamo N., Salminen J.-P., Sedio B.E. (2022) Abiotic stress rather than biotic interactions drives contrasting trends in chemical richness and variation in alpine willows Functional Ecology 36: 2701-2712.
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.14169
Volf M., Volfová T., Seifert C. L., Ludwig A., Engelmann R.A., Ré Jorge L., Richter R., Schedl A., Weinhold A., Wirth C., van Dam N.M. (2022) A mosaic of induced and non‐induced branches promotes variation in leaf traits, predation and insect herbivore assemblages in canopy trees. Ecology Letters 25: 729-739.
DOI: 10.1111/ele.13943
Volf M., Weinhold A., Seifert C. L., Holicová T., Uthe H., Alander E., Richter R., Salminen J.-P., Wirth C., van Dam N.M. (2021) Branch-localized induction promotes efficacy of volatile defences and herbivore predation in trees. Journal of Chemical Ecology 47: 99-111.
DOI: 10.1007/s10886-020-01232-z


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