HR Excellence in Science
Datum: 04.12.2013



The efffect of natural dieback of mountain spruce forest on microclimate – J. Kopáček, 2012–2016

Effects of solar radiation on biogeochemical cycling of nutrients and metals in surface waters – P. Porcal, 2012–2014

Integrated soil and water conservation in the Drachensee catchment – J. Žaloudík, 2012–2014

REFRESH: Adaptive strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change on European freshwater ecosystems – J. Hejzlar, J. Kopáček, 2009–2014

The integrated impact of climate change, air quality, and forest management on water ecosystem in headwater catchments – J. Kopáček, 2009-2013

Determination of the importance of erosion-originated phosphorus in water bodies endangered by eutrophication – J. Hejzlar, 2010–2013

Controlling factors of phosphorus sorption in lake and reservoir sediments – J. Hejzlar, 2009–2012

The assesment of impact of the Gothenburg Protocol on acidified and eutrophied soils and waters – J. Kopáček, 2007–2011

The use of aeration technologies in the reduction of cyanobacterial resting stages and nutirent bioavalilability in reservoir sediments – J. Borovec, 2008–2011

Nutrient sources in catchments with complex land use and impacts on the aquatic ecosystems of reservoirs – J. Hejzlar, 2008–2010

Interreg IV, Cross-Border Water Conservation in the Drachensee Catchment – J. Žaloudík, 2008–2010

EURO-LIMPACS, Integrated projects to evaluate the impacts of global change on European freshwater ecosystems – J. Kopáček, 2004–2009

Photochemical transformation of metal and phosphorus species in natural waters – J. Kopáček, 2006–2008

Identification of temporal and spatial arangement of processes of phosphorus cycling – J. Borovec, 2005–2007



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